I'm in dreadful pain now. Such an unlucky day for me :(
First, before school ended, the idiotic acid made me suffer again, the pain is actually enough to take half of my life but now worst!
After school, as usual I walked over to Esso to wait for mum. But today didn't seems to be a good day. What's shocking is that I fell and rolled down from the stairs of the bridge. Terrible huh? Dont know why but I just fell. I think I was in blur condition, something like kinda blackout so there I went rolling down the stairs. Quickly I stood up, continue walking act as if I was nothing, no pain at all, but actually I was just forcing myself, not to feel the pain continue walking until I got into car. Once I reached home, mum applied medicine for me and that was the moment when my tears started dropping D; I wonder how much of tears I'd dropped :p Blogging here while I'm still suffering in real pain and its still bleeding. I hurt my head, shoulder, arms and legs. Damn painful! X.X Many parts are swollen.
Argghh!! Not gonna type more. My hand is pain when I type. Hate falling down and getting injured that will leave scars on me :'(
p/s: Ying, next time dont get panic and stunt there. LOL!