Omg! Today, its todayyy!! The awesome launch party having in Bukit Kiara Equestrian Park Indoor Arena at 7pm, featuring Boys Like Girls. And you can get the new Nokia X6 for only RM66! There will be 66 units up for grabs. All you needa do is dressed in pink or blue.
Click for more info. Sounds tempting? :) Too bad wey, I cant go *sobs* :( Later going to Kajang to have some dnt knw what so famous satay. Potong steam je :S
Watched Tooth Fairy, starring The Rock.
Kinda boring show, not that funny as I thought it would after watching the trailer. Rate it : 5/10
Lalalalallaa~ So, tomorrow, yea, my birthday but dont know why this year I dont feel excited at all. Not like I used to. I even forgotten it until that day, somebody 'remind' me of it. Why? Idk :| Not really like celebrations like Christmas, New Year, Birthday or CNY so on. Sometimes, just sometimes they'll remind me sth, sth not really happy.
That's not what I want. Mood swings terribly.
I hate the way I am now :(