Finally! Its Friday! Wee~ :) Just finished my history paper (killer). Hardly I could answer so much in history paper X) Found out that I really really really HATE myself. I hate my stupid dumb useless brain! I bet that 100% no one would ever wanna have this kind of brain. I'd study so much, purposely put more efforts into some chapters that I was very sure it'll be out, did my own notes, study it more than ten timesss, even memorizing it but I couldnt do well in the paper. It did come out in the paper but I barely could rmb what I'd studied. Gonna bang on wall and end my life :| Freaking frustrated!
My notes (that now I feel like tearing it off)
As what they shown in the book, TARGET. I fired a lot in my paper 1 cause I'd spend all my time focus on paper 2.
[Half way studying, receive a bad news that bro's laptop got stolen :(]