I love you

Appreciate life :)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 / 7:22 PM
People, no offence to whoever out there that doing it but I really dislike it.

I hate smokers, both cigarette and shisha.
I know many of my friends do and it really upset me :/
Why you people like to smoke so much ey? I really don't understand. These things bring no benefit and they harm us! To all smokers, don't you know that you people smoking there, not only destroying your ownself but also the others around you. Please think of others, don't be so selfish!

I hate drinkers too, both beers and liquors.
Yes, you can drink but not too much. Please learn how to control people! Overdose of alchohol will lead to death. And do y'all ever think of those people who love you? If you do so did you ever think that if one day sth happen to you, how they would suffer the feeling of losing a person they love?
And whats so great about drinking? You got hungover and you suffer too!
Don't you people know that these things are very bad for health? Why do y'all wanna suicide like this?
I really do not understand.

Another thing, I hate Idiot drivers who drive recklessly on the road, all kind of transport : Cars, motorbikes, lorries and so on. Driving fast give you the excitement and joyful moment? Then think of the other road users. They suffer and even die because of your ridiculous driving 'skills'! If you reallyu do wanna drive fast then do it only on those road which has no other cars, you wanna die, die on your own and not drag the innocents to die together. But still, if you really wanna do so, again, think of those who love you. Do you wish to let them suffer because of you death?
Remember, everything you do affects others too, especially those that love you. So think wisely bfore you take all the unnecessary actions. Appreciate you life! :)

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Jean Yee

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